Thursday, February 24, 2005

Jodphur, India... Volunteering

At the Taj Hotel. Rose and I crashed the nicest hotel in Jodhpur and went for swim.Behind me is the pool. Posted by Hello
Jaislmer. Man dying his hair with henna.  Posted by Hello
Jasilmer. Picture by Rose. Army patrol on camel back with won't find this in the states!!! Posted by Hello
Jaisilmer. Holy Sedus that beg for money...they walk around with gold pot and people give them money, this is their caste and birth right.  Posted by Hello
Jasilmer. Rose dancing with the gypsies. Posted by Hello
Jaisimler. Sarah in the distance dancing with gypsies.  Posted by Hello
Jaisilmer. Women in the Sand dunes singing to tourists for money.  Posted by Hello
Pushkar. Rose talking to a fellow traveler over chai. Such a sweet guy.  Posted by Hello
Pushkar. Cow entering.  Posted by Hello
Udiapur. Cows.  Posted by Hello
Udiapur. An enchanted forest. I love this place.  Posted by Hello
Udiapur. My friend from Argentina that I met in the dried up lake. Little Indian girls watch in the distance.  Posted by Hello
Face series, Man in Udiapur.  Posted by Hello
Udiapur. India. I went here for the weekend with Sarah and Rose. I am standing in the middle of a dried up lake. This is where the James Bond movie, 'octopussy' was filmed.  Posted by Hello
My co-worker, Nishi, dancing up a storm at his friend's house.  Posted by Hello
This is my most challenging class, Barawala.. Posted by Hello
This is my favorite village, Kakelav. The girls are displaying their self portraits.  Posted by Hello
These are my students in Kathewas, I am pretending to be married to the girl next to me, so I am wearing a shawl to cover my head.  Posted by Hello
A photograph of me taken by the father of the house. The wife is below preparing lunch. I am sitting on their bed that is only wooden boards.  Posted by Hello
Poor family in Pushkar, the eldest son in the desert with random Indian boys in the background.  Posted by Hello
Poor Family in Pushkar. She has no paper, so she was writing the ABC's on her arm.  Posted by Hello
Poor familly, Pushkar wife preparing lunch for me and the children. This is her only stove.  Posted by Hello
Poor family from Pushkar. The son eating an orange, I had brought.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Rose, my fellow volunteer in the village.  Posted by Hello
My friend Govind wearing my hat with his "friend" Verendra Posted by Hello